Established regulations and academic petitions.

Academic regulations are established by the University to maintain and enforce academic standards, and are rigorously adhered to. Petitions are requests for an exception to an academic rule or deadline, and are only granted under special and unique circumstances.

Any student has the right to petition to waive a regulation. The University similarly has the right to disapprove any petition on the grounds that the circumstances are not compelling enough to warrant an exception to the established regulation.

After consulting with your adviser, you must file a petition with the dean of your school. Undeclared students should file through the College of Arts and Sciences. The request must be in writing and you must document the extraordinary circumstances that necessitate the petition. The dean may approve or deny the petition, after which it is forwarded to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs for a final decision. Any student petition for retroactive action must be submitted within one year.

Students requesting a medical withdrawal must review the requirements for a medical leave of absence. Take notice of the deadlines for each semester.

Depending on your academic department, your petition should be forwarded to the appropriate contact below.


Exemptions from a rule are generally granted only once, so you must fully consider all ramifications of your action. Approval of an academic petition does not result in any corresponding financial credit or refund.

Such requests must be filed with the University Cashier and Office of Student Account Services.

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Nursing and Public Health

Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology

Honors College

Robert B. Willumstad School of Business

Ruth S. Ammon School of Education

School of Social Work

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Nexus Building, 145
  • Regular Semester Hours Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
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